10x! Business & Leadership Peer Advisory Groups

“Leaders: You can’t change a person, but you can change their context.”

—Lori Michele Leavitt, The Pivot: Orchestrating Extraordinary Business Momentum

To create the context in which leaders themselves can transform, Lori founded remote and in-person peer advisory groups for leaders, called “10x!”®. Transformation is what happens for members of the 10x!® business & leadership private peer advisory group.

Courageous, Tenacious, Curious, do you have what it takes to be in 10x!?

Members share that from this group experience, they have grown and seen significant changes in their businesses and lives. We know you will also experience one or more of the following, and at least in one area you can expect to improve ten times (10x) greater than when you started:

  1. Grow as a leader
  2. Shift, even Pivot, your business for ongoing success
  3. Make better decisions
  4. Hone leadership presence
  5. Excel at visioning and strategic thinking
  1. Build a more high-performance culture
  2. More positively and effectively influence others
  3. Better understand yourself and what you need, for you, in leadership & life
  4. Unlearn ineffective habits and get input from trusted peers to uncover blind spots
  5. Start living the legacy you most want to leave!
“Through shared experiences within the 10x! group, the mentoring of Lori with her vast business experience and her huge network of thought leaders, I’ve been able to flourish as a leader, guide our company through challenges as well as fully capitalize on opportunities and, most importantly, I’ve been better able to grow and mentor the up-and-coming leaders in our organization.”


The 10x! group experience creates awareness, provides support for making smarter, more nimble decisions, and catalyzes actions that lead to greater business & leadership vibrancy.

There are two group types: one intensive aimed at clear, swift progress toward known objectives within six months (named “10x!  Shift”), and one longer-term leadership mastermind format, often resulting in many shifts over an unlimited time in the group (named “10x!  Vision”):

10x!  Shift

  • Intensive, in 6-mo from start to end
  • Show measurable progress toward specific leadership growth goal(s)
  • C-level exec, owner or in succession
  • Often nominated and recommended by Board, CEO or investor. May self-refer.
  • 6-8 members per group

10x!  Vision

  • Ongoing, with initial 1-yr commitment
  • Know leadership growth is possible; may not know what or how
  • CEOs, Owners, GMs, select C-level and successful alums of 10x! Shift. May be recommended or self-refer.
  • 7-12 members per group

All members meet organizational leadership qualifications. Each member also exhibits 10x! business & leadership capability, which requires courage, curiosity, and tenacity. All agree to uphold our privacy and confidentiality policies.

Learn more about 10x! Business & Leadership Peer Advisory Groups at 10xpeers.com

Learn More about Pivot to Clarity
and The Pivot

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About Lori

Lori is The Pivot Catalyst. A trusted advisor and coach, who catalyzes momentum for leaders and teams. The result is lasting business agility--even performance breakthroughs.
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