About Collaborative Action

Leadership – Strategy – Measurement – Alignment – Momentum – Change  – Pivot

Join me in catalyzing momentum for leaders and teams, and building more vibrant businesses!


A vibrant business (or any organization or team),

  • maintains its highest value,
  • stays ahead of competition, or other disruption, and
  • is a great place to work


You are interested in a do-able (measurable) strategy, with executable “best next” steps, with quick wins in only 90 days, a longer term strategic direction up to 5 years out, and a “is this even possible?” vision that inspires and keeps momentum alive throughout the workplace.


You realize that to execute strategy brilliantly, everyone needs to be aligned with it, and clear about the direction they’ll head, together.


As a leader of the organization, or team, you care that people are doing the right things right. And you want each person to be successful.


Lori’s books, The Pivot: Orchestrating Extraordinary Momentum, and Pivot to Clarity: Get Clear, for You. Be Clear for Others, offer a deeper dive into building and leading a culture with both alignment and momentum in place, where change is natural, and performance breakthroughs are possible.


View Lori Michele Leavitt’s profile

Twitter: @pivotcatalyst Instagram: @pivotcatalyst

Books: pivottoclarity.com (for gifts with order!) and thepivotbook.com (all books)

Services and software: lorimicheleleavitt.com, 10xpeers.com and alignedmomentum.com

Learn More about Pivot to Clarity
and The Pivot

Connect with Lori on:

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About Lori

Lori is The Pivot Catalyst. A trusted advisor and coach, who catalyzes momentum for leaders and teams. The result is lasting business agility--even performance breakthroughs.
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