It’s time for a transformation, and I’m leading the charge. No, I’m not going to teach you to be an analyst. What I will explain is how you—an HR or executive leader—can takes steps to connect people to, and into, business performance management systems.

Those who do not understand how I do what I do may initially think that I run solely by the numbers. Yes and (emphatically) no. Sure, I’m a pretty serious, challenge-loving, bottom-line-focused gal. I look at indicators and outcomes. If I can’t connect an action (in business) to an increase in long term value, then it is likely I’m not going to spend long with it, for me or for my clients. But what isn’t so easy to see is that “action” necessarily requires a focus on, and connection with, people! People are the most critical component of my businesses, and likely of yours as well.


I am saddened to see that many of the management systems in use today are guiding leaders away from having a complete picture of their business and connection with people. Truly this disconnect is a major reason for the poor decisions we are carrying the burden of today (another is that measurement systems and internal policies most often measure and keep accountable everyone but the executives—and I’ll get to this in another post).

What I fear is that I, and management accountants/financial analyst-types like me, have not done a good job of explaining how we do what we do… and how much people enter into the analyses and recommendations for decision-makers.


Here’s the good news: Your performance management system can be fixed; you can include the thoughts and actions of people in a practical, cost-effective and empowering way.

If you are ready for a transformation to a high-performance culture, contact me today! For a selected few companies, I offer leadership and team performance coaching (I only take a few clients every 4-6 months due to the intensity I choose to give to each one, especially as we start together. I also lead peer groups, live and virtual). My shameless pitch: mention this blog post and you are guaranteed a free assessment.

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Lori is The Pivot Catalyst. A trusted advisor and coach, who catalyzes momentum for leaders and teams. The result is lasting business agility--even performance breakthroughs.
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