We’re building an A-Team!

In place of our individual Wow, I’m going to take this opportunity to share a list from Jim Collins, author of “Good to Great” of the key things an A-team needs. It’s a good list and if we absorb it, and live it, we too can keep the “Wow!s” coming!

According to Jim Collins, one of the key factors for building a world class organization – and keeping it great – is its people.

A-Team Qualifications — Let’s put it to good use now!

1. You know a person is a great fit for your team when they fit with your core values walking in the door. You can train for skills. You can’t train for values.

2. An A-Team person doesn’t need to be tightly managed. The moment you feel the need to micromanage an employee, you know you’ve made a hiring mistake.

3. The right person will understand that they don’t have a job – they have responsibilities.

4. The right person will do what they say they will do. They are accountable in every action.

5. The right person will have “window” and “mirror” maturity. When something goes wrong, they look in the mirror and say “I’m responsible. Here’s what I will do to grow and change.” When things are good, they point out the window and share the success and accolades with their team. They look outside of themselves to share the praise and recognition.

6. They think that what you do is really cool and believe it is a privilege to work for you.


Hey team… we are already achieving many of these. Wow! As you and I bring new people into the company, let us always keep this list in mind. It fits who we are.

Thanks to my local colleague, Anne-Marie Faiola, The Soap Queen, for posting this first. Look for this list and lots more good stuff in Jim Collin’s upcoming book due out in May 2009.

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