In the 5 Daily Practices, the final step is to connect the “what,” “who,” and “how” to your “why.”

You may have heard “Start with why.” Having this phrase on one’s mind has certainly helped many companies be more customer-focused. Understanding one’s purpose (their “why”) has also helped many gain hope, focus, and resilience as they live purpose-driven lives.

Your “why” doesn’t identify where you’re headed (your vision or objective; your north star), or what you do, or who you reach out to each day.

Daily Practice vs Strategic Objectives

When I work with leaders to identify strategic objectives, I recommend they start with “where” they are headed. Then, when prioritizing and, later, working on the positioning communication, we focus on “why,” the organization’s purpose—the reason that organization exists.

Identifying daily activities, on your calendar, is a bit different. As part of this 5-step Daily Practice, start with “what” you want from your day.

Revisiting your “Why” in your Daily Practice

Your “why” is your purpose. Your purpose can pull you through the toughest stuff and aids you in making the best choices for you.

Let’s say you have a networking event opportunity that you would normally just put on the calendar if there’s an open slot for it. It’s truly not one you need to be at, and it could be an excellent opportunity for one of your team members.

You hesitate. If others have access to your calendar, perhaps you like to look busy. Or maybe you actually like having a full calendar. You’ve not yet figured out what you would be doing instead of an unnecessary networking event. Maybe your purpose in life is to be busy…but I bet it’s not.

If fulfillment were an option, what would you choose? If you are a c-level leader, this time on your calendar is likely better served building your team (e.g., preparing and sending your team member) and using the time for deep thought or to think strategically on what might gain extraordinary momentum for your business.

Once you’ve gained clarity on what really matters, you’ll connect with your purpose. I promise.

Successful people have a Daily Practice like this

I started this series by sharing that these 5 Daily Practices were outlined for me by David Meltzer, a highly successful entrepreneur, coach, and speaker. Even though I was doing something similar, the five steps increased my discipline and improved my practice.

It’s not just me and David Meltzer who follow a practice like this.

In Seth Godin’s August 3, 2022 blog post, he shares how he stays disciplined about considering not only the actions of each day, but also the energy they may give or take. Seth is a bestselling author, businessman, marketer, and public speaker. He has authored 17 books. He makes sure he is fully owning his day and not allowing his time (and energy) to be hijacked.

Also from August 3, 2022, Chip Conley shares how he makes sure to include white space in his day, and how having the discipline to do so was critical to writing his NYT bestselling book. Chip is a bestselling author, strategic advisor for Airbnb, founder and former hospitality CEO. He is naturally pulled to be busy and to feel happy with a completely full calendar. If that’s you, read Chip’s post for tips on how to create white space for creativity and deep thought.

Your best next step

For your “Your 1 Best Next Step,” before you get into your day tomorrow, step into your 5 Daily Practices, making sure your now-prioritized “what” and “who” align with your “why.”

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Lori is The Pivot Catalyst. A trusted advisor and coach, who catalyzes momentum for leaders and teams. The result is lasting business agility--even performance breakthroughs.
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