Who in your organization has a role in executing strategy? Answer: Everyone. Who in your organization has a clear understanding of how they fit strategy?* Your answer indicates if there is momentum, or a stall, in your future.
Best Next Steps for Extraordinary Momentum This first post in the Extraordinary Momentum Series offers 5 key ideas to help you get clear about best next steps, and how you can help others get clear about their best...
Those of you who know me or are getting to know me… understand that I am all about business vibrancy. In my terms, that translates to a nimble organization, continuously building its business value, and a great place to...
In Series #1 and #2 I discussed the best steps for aligning people with strategy and how to know when strategy must change. In this post l get to the execution part of a change in strategy and answer,...
In the first post of this series, I shared three proven steps in aligning people with strategy. During times of significant change, alignment requires more attention from leaders and managers. This is especially the case when what is required to...
Strategies change. At least they should—in order to even just keep up with the change around us. This series addresses Alignment. How can you align your people with strategy? How do you know when strategy must change? (even when...
This post is about failure and success. It will likely resonate greatest with those who think big, create strategic plans and take risks to see those strategies executed. Have you ever been an expert and helped many, and...
Recently I shared a “People Measurement’ and leadership conversation with Carlos Santayana, Owner and Principal at Santayana Group, and a prior Training and Leadership VP at Citi Group. I felt power and wisdom in his words and wanted to...
Some of our friends, family and colleagues may have yet to experience bad times—so they may have more difficulty coping than those (of us) who have failed (and come out just fine) many times. My colleague Bill Dueease of...