Have you ever leaned toward avoidance when you haven’t delivered because you “know” the person you must speak to is going to be disappointed? Getting past this block can be difficult. Here’s our “wow” for this week: This...
It is not often easy for a new employee to show value…and then often they don’t feel valued. This is an important time for communication. It’s even tougher when the boss doesn’t really understand the role well… Here’s...
Getting the right things done, with less… When we make steps toward this goal, even small ones, then I just have to say…Wow! Here’s our “wow” for this week: This Wow! goes out to —- for continuously seeking...
Is there a Wow! to be raised when the team is rejuvenating for the holidays? Yes Here’s our “wow” for this week: This Wow! goes out to —- who was out of touch but not out of mind...
Please take this time to extend my Wow! to your families, for supporting your work and our company. Here’s our “wow” for this week: To our families, and even our friends, I am sending you this “WOW!” because...
You received a Holiday e-card from me today. It was a team effort, —– and me, and it gets my wow because it was started and completed fast! We’ve not always been good at “fast.” Here’s our “wow” for...
This Wow! is again for many, although fewer than before. It is for the team remaining after reorganizing: a core, value-sharing team. A team that rallied to stop the bleeding caused by misguided employees, contractors and vendors. This core...
This week’s Wow! goes to —. Here’s our “wow” for this week: —, I am sending to you a “WOW!” because you continue to think about the company with the eyes of an owner; someone who deeply cares about...
In keeping with the theme of Thanksgiving, which is “the” U.S. holiday bringing families together, this week’s “Wow!” goes to the team. Yes, it goes to all of you, and I will tell you why… Here’s our “wow” for...
We had an interesting week. Most of us had our “heads down” …working with great focus to meet deadlines; moving fast—yet in a managed way. We’ve made some great inroads! But we’ve faced many distractions as well; the toughest...