Those of you who know me or are getting to know me… understand that I am all about business vibrancy. In my terms, that translates to a nimble organization, continuously building its business value, and a great place to...
You Can Create a Workplace Context Where People Thrive, and Execute Brilliantly A critical part of a leader’s role is to build others up. Great leaders are highly skilled at this. Good leaders sometimes give up because they...
“Why is it so hard to find an excellent employee?” That was the subject of a recent discussion in a leadership group on Linkedin.
Feel great & do even better! Who doesn’t want that for themselves? Who wouldn’t want that for others? So of course we foster feeling great at work. whoops! screech. halt. back up. We don’t? Why not? Mostly because what...
This post is about failure and success. It will likely resonate greatest with those who think big, create strategic plans and take risks to see those strategies executed. Have you ever been an expert and helped many, and...
In this series we are talking about connecting—connecting to people, connecting people to the business results you want, and getting those results. Recap: In Step 1 you selected up to three of the most critical strategic themes or...
From what is (now) to what can be (in the future) What’s in it for me? (aka WIIFM). You may be asking yourself this right now. Do you think there has been a disconnect in communication, and strategy, in corporate...
Question: How do you get employees motivated and passionate about the mission of the organization so that they strive for self improvement and improved work performance without micromanaging from management or finger pointing at their colleagues? Lori’s answer: You’ve...